12 November 2016

Your favorite place you’ve traveled to

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Hi Guys, How are you today? I wish you are fine and meet again on my blog.

At this time i’ll tell you about my favorite place traveled. My favorite is the beach traveled. Why? Because, beaches in Indonesia are many and Indonesia have a nickname in the eyes of the world as a country of a thousand islands, beaches and the country of a thousand others.  So, if you can choose, what you choose ? traveling in indonesia or traveling to abroad? ? maybe, you will choose traveling to abroad .  right ? if i was given a choice, i will choose traveling in indonesia. Why ? because in indonesia have a  traveled place is beautiful. You don’t believe me ? if you can’t believe me. I will show you where the place is beautiful in Indonesia I have ever visited.

In this one I've been to the Randayan Island. There the sand is very clean no rubbish and for you hobby who love diving there a suitable place for diving. Because there is still a very clean sea water once so make you so welcome to linger there. we should be proud with Indonesia. because in Indonesia a lot of beaches that have not been visited by humans.

Hopefully useful to you, thank you for attention and see you next time

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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