14 Oktober 2016

Smartphone’s Application That I Love

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Hi Guys, How are you today? I wish you are fine and meet again on my blog

Smartphone’s application, it has a lot of kind. Business, photography, life style, family, social, game, music and audio, education, sport, personalization, art and design, and many more. 

We could download it from Play Store for Android user, and from App Store for iOS user. I have a lot of application in my smart phone, and I all of that is useful for me. So, it was difficult for me to choose which one is the best for me.

But there is one application that I liked most is Strava Running and Cycling-GPS Run and Ride Tracker. 

Why would I choose an application Strava Running and Cycling-GPS Run and Ride Tracker as an application that I liked? Because I love sports I think this application is perfect for me and you who love running and cycling. The application comes with the help of GPS available on iOS devices, Strava able to present the information service that can be reached and to collect statistical data such as distance, speed, calories burned with enough accuracy for berkegiatan even count the heartbeats of other devices connected via Bluetooth LE and social features that make you able to connect with others around the world and many achievements.

Even this application you can enjoy free or paid. However, the scheme of subscription in-app-purchase a monthly or yearly, Strava users can enjoy premium features provided include the analysis of the results of the exercise heart rate, find friends who are on the move, until the availability of training videos.

Hopefully useful to you, thank you for attention and see you next time

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

08 Oktober 2016

4. What movie best describes my life

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Hi Guys, How are you today? I wish you are fine and meet again on my blog.

At this time I'll tell you what the film describe my life. Film, who does not like it? Surely everyone loved it. The film that I liked best was the comedy movie, Sci-Fi and animation. I do not know why I really like the films of the genre.

But, there is one film that depicts the life of me was "ZOOTOPIA". 

Yes the film created by Walt Disney and directed by Byron Howard, Rich Moore, and Jared Bush is very depicts the life of me, especially the character of Judy Hopps. 

Judy Hopps is a rabbit of rural Bunnyburrow who has the dream of becoming the first rabbit officer in the nearby city police department Zootopia and I have a dream become a diverse robot maker which of course useful for everyone. Judy Hopps always belittled and demeaned by other people, but she never give up, instead she makes a mockery as encouraging him. And there I always feel belittled and demeaned by other people, but he never gave up, more people will humble me the more excited I want to achieve those goals. I will continue to try everything new for me and although I fail I will not give up so easily, I'll try it on until I succeed. Because of the success is not always a smart guy but those who succeed are those who brave, strong, struggle and never give up.

Hopefully useful to you, thank you for attention and see you next time

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

04 Oktober 2016

International Culture Festival In Pontianak

There are results of my observations in UPT bahasa UNTAN

Forgive me because I'm still not fluent english. Don't forget to like my youtube channel and reading my blog.

Motor Arus Bolak-Balik (AC)

  BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1.   Latar Belakang Motor induksi merupakan motor listrik arus bolak balik (AC) yang putaran rotornya tidak sama...